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The Black China Caucus' inclusion of the iconic clenched fist raised upwards represents solidarity, unity, and resistance.
Each knuckle along the clenched fist symbolizes each stroke of the fire radical seated beneath the Chinese character "hei/黑."
The Chinese language uses multiple hanzi to reference members of the broader Black community and the African Diaspora, including "美国黑人," "非裔," and"非洲人." The Black China Caucus sought the single Chinese character "hei/黑" in order to include the rich diversity of individuals who self-identify as Black who have roots originating from across the world.
The clenched fist and the hei/黑 character lay against the backdrop of the sun, which symbolizes a new day, one that's more diverse and inclusive. The colors black, red, green, and yellow are a nod to the pan-African colors.